It's 4am in the morning.
and you're totally blank,
I don't see what you're thinking,
it's as if you've totally sank...
Lost in thought of your own,
like you never understood,
hear the feelings that you've known,
that would be something for good...
Now you feel so awkward,
you don't know what to do,
moving backward,
somehow, wishing you'll make it through.
life is a wonder,
life is surreal,
something to ponder,
to know. to feel.
i woke up, 2am,
i couldn't sleep anymore
for some i wonder what reason,,,
no, honestly, even if i have slept, it wasn't
really like sleeping cuz i kept waking up every
40 mins or an hour.
I got offline too early last night,
I wasn't in the mood to surf the net cuz
I didn't know what to do..
I was to bored,
I'm afraid I'm starting to get bored more
but I'm trying my very best not to, and to keep
the cheery side of me.
It's good anyway that I woke up,
I got to say goodbye to my mum and dud before they left..
I hardly could eat, i can't taste anything other than
milk and cereal, and water - - - what's keepin me alive right now.
I hope something magical happens (it's what i always wish, don't bug me)
til here...