Look for quality as well! That's what most on-line website owners deal with when looking for an affordable web host, and one that has more up-times rather than down-times. Some claim to be cheap and affordable – but when it comes to quality they flunk.
I, as a blogger is aware of this. I advise that once you’re experience too much down times or problems with your host you better go for a change. Sure, your host may have all explanations in the world but the point is, do you think they’re giving you what you paid for? For sure, they won’t be able to answer that anymore proven that your website is suffering too many down-times.
That’s why budget host exists. They’re not only cheap and they do not just fit your budget but they aim to give the best service for your websites – to leave you with no worry and have a website that will exist 24/7.
Affordable, yes – there maybe a lot other hosts out there offering his but are you sure they’ve got what it takes to be a real host? A real website host which has full support, and non-stop great service to offer for their customers.