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Globe and their evil schemes

Scheme #1:

Remember, Globe's unlimited service used to be 15php for a day?
That was why I transferred to globe. I used to be a smart users. And I hated smart before
eating up my load. As for globe, FOR MY FIRST YEAR i never experienced dispapearing load.

So there, I was so happy with Globe, until, goodness, they raised their Globe unlitext!
They changed it to 20php, and worst with the unlitxt for more than 1 day. why i never registered
to those.

Scheme #2:

Awhile ago, I was searching through google "Globe ate up all my load" and I stumbled into
a blog wherein, he's travelling, and he receives messages from 2346 (i think). Those kind of
texts that say you might be the ever lucky winner of blablabla. WTF, and it ate his load everytime his children loaded him up probably through Autoload. The nerve, what the hell is
wrong? They are not so pro to people!

Scheme #3,

This morning, around 11 I went out to load up my phone. Then at 11:30 I registered to globe to Globe Unlimited Text for 1 day. I then received the confirmation saying my request was received. Immediately, I checked if my load was still 22php. But, it was not. I thought I was already registered because back then, even without confirmation, as long as it's been subtracted
to your load, you're registered. But hell no, my 2php pooofed! I had 1php left but I decided to load again and register to Sulitxt instead. But i decided to call customer service to complain.

Last scheme

Continued: So there, I call to Customer Service and guess what?
All I hear is an effin busy tone!

And because of that, I really am going back to smart.
Because of the AWFUL and UNLAWFUL treatment to their
Customers. Just like last year, before new year, I planned very
well to register at dec. 30 for 2 day unlimited text. But globe wouldn't
accept my registration when the day finally came,
when WTF they accept others! Damn Globe.

and eating up my boyfriend's load too,
that was almost 40 php! darn it. and they didn't
let him register. Isn't that just nice?

I also forgot to mention, that about
that "Kabayan Sim"?

it is also one of their schemes
You see, before my dad went to Thailand
he bought one, and instead of saving up we spent more
than we should (around 500+ bucks) just to be able to talk,
because of their endless registration to the roaming, that
should've been easy for the OFWs. So yes, curse globe.

This Monday, I really will switch to smart, so I can
text my dad too, yes, instead of using the Kabayan Sim crap
of Globe, we bought that smart sim that had a roaming already,
much more efficient and is indeed working.

So much for my last post for the month,
I hope more people will finally realize that Globe is shit.

Ooo may harshness ehh?
Ang pangit kasi ng service. Nakakabuwisit na, unfair pa!